So Much for 99.9% Uptime

Originally, all my sites were hosted with Host A. For a couple of months at the start of this year, my sites suffered so much downtime I moved them all across to Host B. Host A, for the most part, has been good, and I can forgive them for suspending my account every time I write a script with an accidental infinite loop. Anyway, for complicated reasons, I had to […]

JapanSoc Update – 100 Users and Upcoming Downtime

JapanSoc hits 100 users!  Edward Chmura put out a good word for JapanSoc on Japundit this week, helping to push the number of registered users over the 100 mark. Let me thank Ed, who is also responsible for the excellent Japan Talk podcast, and let me welcome any new JapanSoc users to my blog, the place where I post updates about the site (so please subscribe!). Web host problems continue… […]