Motivate Yourself with FutureMe

A year ago, I used a free service at to send an email to myself in the future. I had completely forgotten about it until it came through the other day. Here it is, with obscenities and personal info removed. Dear Nick, It’s Sept. 24th, 2006. Hopefully when you read this you will have achieved the goals that I’m setting today! 1) Be earning (deleted) 2) Have saved (deleted) […]

No more spam with Mozilla Thunderbird

Update: When I got Windows Vista, I switched again. Now I’m using Windows Mail (Dec. 2nd, 2007). The last few weeks had seen my spam-count sky rocket. I think the extra exposure I gave my sites with some pretty heavy advertising campaigns must have pulled in as many spammers as honest visitors. I guess I’d been averaging about 60 spam emails a day and ‘delete’ had become the most overused […]

Japanese phones, email and old people

I’m starting to get really fed up with email. I get over 200 messages a week and usually only a handful of them are not spam. Cleaning out the spam has become a daily part of my routine, much like brushing my teeth, taking a shower and washing the dishes. If I don’t do it every day, my inbox will just grow ugly stuff. So I was surprised to read Nate Anderson’s article called “Teens: E-mail […]