JapanSoc Web Widget

I really wanted to make some kind of gizmo to display the JapanSoc RSS feed anywhere online, and was thrilled to find a website that made this process extremely easy. So easy in fact, even Michael McKinlay has done it! Thanks to WidgetBox.com, anyone with an RSS feed can make a “Blidget” in just a few minutes, and that’s what I did for JapanSoc. What does it do and where […]

JapanSoc Toolbox

Welcome to the JapanSoc Toolbox, a page full of resources to help you get the most out of Japan’s fastest growing social bookmarking site for the foreign community. I’ve listed them in order of release, with new additions added as they become available. Please let me know if any of them are broken. The JapanSoc Bookmarklet – Submit while you surf The bookmarklet is added to either your browser’s bookmarks […]