New JapanSoc Banners and Buttons

For JapanSoc to be successful, it needs the support of the Japan blogging community. So, to assist my fellow bloggers in exposing new readers to the social bookmarking site, I’ve put together a selection of banners and buttons which you can add to your own blog or website.

Click for the JapanSoc banners page

Phew! They were hard work to make, but I hope you find them useful. If you need any other sizes, just let me know.

If you like, you can find me on Twitter at @nick_ramsay. I'd love to hear from you!

5 thoughts on “New JapanSoc Banners and Buttons

  1. Nice one! I will definitely be adding a banner to my blog. I’m hoping to have something up by the end of the weekend, time permitting.

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