Recent Posts in Category – WordPress Plugin

An example of the Recent Posts in Category plugin in action.Hot on the heels of my If Older Than’ plugin for WordPress, I’ve put together another little script that returns a list of recent posts from a category you specify. So, for example, if you want to show a list of the last 10 posts from your Japan Food category, now you can.

On the right you can see a screenshot of how I’m using it on one of my other websites. It’s especially suited to a newspaper-style blog, or a custom archive page.

If you like to prefer to use WordPress widgets and are afraid of editing theme files, then you might want to avoid this plugin (and all my others come to think of it!).

Otherwise, you can download it from my WordPress plugins page.

If you like, you can find me on Twitter at @nick_ramsay. I'd love to hear from you!

6 thoughts on “Recent Posts in Category – WordPress Plugin

  1. You’ve been quite the active developer these last few days. Perhaps I should give you some contract work … I’m thinking about a nice little security addition for all WordPress blogs from version 2.0 to 2.3.3. I have the concept down, and I could even hammer out some specification pages in a week or so. The biggest problem, of course, is time.

    Heck, TheCarbonBlog’s posts have been almost a week late getting posted, despite the fact that I’ve been writing at least a post a day for that site since the start of April 😕

    Keep up the coding skills, Nick. Aside from the security patch, I’ve also been thinking about one that would allow some pretty nice integration with JapanSoc 🙂

    1. Thanks Jason, but don’t go overestimating my php skills. There is a reason I don’t offer support for my plugins! Actually, when it comes to contract work, I’ve been very impressed with They’ve got a great setup for outsourcing over there. So far, I’ve hired five different people for different jobs and they’ve all been good value. Have you looked into outsourcing?

      1. I have, but outsourcing costs money. Although I admit that one must spend money to make money, the prospect of spending money and having the Mrs. find out it went to someone online is not something I’m willing to gamble with right now.

        So … yeah … I’ll just keep staying up until 3:00 am to finish the day’s goals 😛

        1. Yeah, I have some rules about outsourcing. I only hire someone if a) I can’t do the job myself, and b) my wife gives me the okay. I like to get Mami to help me choose the best of the lowest bidders and she’s usually happy to choose the cheapest! Of course, I have to convince her that it’s all worthwhile, but it’s good to have her input and support. However, I’d never get her backing if we couldn’t afford it.

  2. Hello,
    First of all, thank you for the great plugin!
    I have been working on and in the main page, I am using your “Recent Posts in Category” plugin.
    I have a question though:
    Is there a way to show the date of the post in the following format?

    “Post_Title” – “Date”

    I would appreciate your help.


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