Chopsticks and Smiles

Here’s a rare picture of Rikuto smiling for the camera, and he has every right to be happy – he’s only 18 months old, but can eat his dinner with chopsticks! He also said his first English word yesterday… I was hoping for “daddy” or at least “google” (in the hope of striking it rich as the “Google baby”), but no. Rikuto’s first English word was “crash!” – the result […]

The Same Old Questions

No matter how long you are in Japan, you will always be asked the same questions: Where are you from? Do you like Japanese food? Can you use chopsticks? The more adventurous Japanese will ask you questions about your home country: Is summer as hot as in Japan? Do you have cherry blossoms? Do you speak English in England? All these questions were recently asked of me by the dental […]

Would you pass the chopsticks exam?

In today’s Mainichi News, there was an article about a high school in Nagasaki that will start checking if applicants can use chopsticks properly. The ‘chopsticks test’ will be part of their entrance exams next year. Officials of Sasebo Women’s High School said that they wound like to see if applicants have acquired the minimum levels of eating manners by checking their use of chopsticks. The “chopstick inspections,” which include […]