Oh my Gomi! – Part 2

In Part 1 I talked about how the gomi (rubbish) rules had changed and that everything had to be separated and put out on fixed days between 6 and 8am. However, being unable to wake up at that crazy time of day, I often threw things out the night before. This was fine until the gomi patrol caught me. The gomi station where I had to throw out my rubbish […]

Oh my Gomi! – Part 1

When I first came to Japan, rubbish disposal was as simple as dumping everything in a bag and putting in the street to be collected later in the week. Now, I’m not just talking about kitchen scraps here, I mean anything that people didn’t want, including TVs, refrigerators and all sorts. The bubble economy had burst but people were in the habit of buying the latest technology and throwing out […]