How I Get Motivated To Work Out

An old school friend of mine has decided to undertake a triathlon, and she’s just been given a rather grueling training schedule. I feel exhausted just looking at it. I think I need a lie down to recover! I’m not one for training programs. Without a doubt, they push you to work out and be ready for whatever competition you’re entering, and I’ve followed programs in the past with good […]

Motivate Yourself with FutureMe

A year ago, I used a free service at to send an email to myself in the future. I had completely forgotten about it until it came through the other day. Here it is, with obscenities and personal info removed. Dear Nick, It’s Sept. 24th, 2006. Hopefully when you read this you will have achieved the goals that I’m setting today! 1) Be earning (deleted) 2) Have saved (deleted) […]