Japanese manners – part 3

In part 1 of this series, you saw a video about dropping litter in bicycle baskets, and in part 2 I showed you a commercial aimed at stopping people from eating on trains. Both of these videos are part of an ongoing effort to improve manners in a country where you can pretty much get away with anything, because very few would dare tell you off. The following video, sadly […]

Japanese manners – part 2

In part 1 of this Japanese Manners series, I showed you a public service announcement to encourage people not to drop litter. In this country, people would rather turn a blind eye than tell a stranger off for doing something they shouldn’t. This next video isn’t the final version that made it to TV, but the message is the same. The glossed-up final cut was shown in commercial breaks during […]

Japanese manners – part 1

In England, if you’re talking in a movie theater, there’s a good chance the person behind you will tell you to ‘shut it’. If you drop litter in the street, someone might pick it up and throw it back at you. If you’re eating, drinking, walking, smoking, or even peeing in a place you shouldn’t, someone is likely to call you up for it. Half way around the world however, […]