It’s been a while since I made a WordPress plugin, but today I had the urge to put some ads on my blog, in places where my regular readers won’t see them. I could have used a plugin such as the Shylock Adsense Plugin, but it has far more options than I need. Instead, I made a little script to do this:
My plugins are WordPress Old Skool
NO fancy customization options in the admin panel, NO widgets, NO user support! My plugins need you to open your theme editor and paste some PHP into your template. If you can do that, you are old skool, too! 😛
Download from my WordPress Plugins page
Visit my new WordPress Plugins page to see what I’ve made (most are taken from my old website,
If you like, you can find me on Twitter at @nick_ramsay. I'd love to hear from you!
It’s like fancy without being that fancy! Old Skool Rulzzzzzz!!!
Nice work Nick, will have a look and see what i can do with it. I use Shylock now to insert ads in old posts for the search engine traffic and agree, there are many many options, far too many for me.
If you can find some use for it, then I’m glad to have helped!