Ramsay Ramblings 2009-12-05

What’s going on?
It’s a pretty miserable day outside my window. Gray skies, light rain and a bit on the chilly side. Rikuto has gone to the hospital with his mum to get his flu jab, while I’m trying to fight off another cold.

Making magic
Most of my time is spent working on Hotaru CMS with some great lads from the U.S, Scotland, Italy and Japan. This is something I’ve thrown myself into over the last six months, and the closer the project gets to completion, the more people are seeing its potential and signing up to help out. With a bit of luck, we’ll have a release candidate ready by February and then I’ll port JapanSoc, and probably this blog, to Hotaru.

Riding the wave
Continuing the technology theme, Shibuya246 sent me an invite to try Google Wave. This is Google’s attempt to establish “waves” as the replacement for “email”, and I must say I’m impressed so far. It’s a bit hard to explain Wave, so if you’re curious, learn more here.

Keeping fit
I’ve been feeling quite old lately, so I made the rash decision to go for a jog – the first real exercise I’ve done for about five years, and boy, oh boy, do I regret it now! My body is aching and I’ve caught another cold. Screw exercise! It’s overrated 😛

Told you so
I’m getting an uncontrollable urge to scream “Ha ha! Told you so!” with regards to the “Climategate” scandal, i.e. scientists colluding to fudge data in order to make a case for “man-made” global warming, and President Obama, who has continued the Iraq war, escalated the Afghanistan war, and started his own war in Pakistan. Oh, and he hasn’t closed Guantanamo Bay either. How much more will it take before people realize they’ve been duped by the establishment and mainstream media, not just on those issues, but also on the hard-to-stomach realities concerning the 9/11 attacks. Speaking of which, I’m off to Nagoya tomorrow to listen to a presentation on that very topic. How depressing, eh?

On a lighter note…
My wife is pleased that I’ve started washing the dishes. This is a major success in her efforts to make a housewife out of me (I already stay home while she goes to work!). Fair enough, “washing the dishes” in our house means filling the dishwasher and pressing the start button, but at least I’m trying! 😀

Rikuto is also making efforts to keep the place tidy. Like most two-year-olds, he has a permanently runny nose, but we’ve trained him to use a tissue instead of letting it flow into his mouth. He takes a tissue, touches the end of his nose with it, wipes the rest on his sleeve and then throws the tissue in the bin. If we’re not watching, he repeats this every minute, emptying a box of tissues in a matter of hours!

If you like, you can find me on Twitter at @nick_ramsay. I'd love to hear from you!

5 thoughts on “Ramsay Ramblings 2009-12-05

  1. Hey, an update! It’s good to see that you haven’t completely forgotten this site. I’m surprised that you haven’t been doing the dishes, though … ひどいよ

    Be sure to write up a post about tomorrow’s get together. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

    1. Judging by the numbers at the Yokohama presentation, I don’t think there will be many people at the Nagoya one, at least not compared to the crowds that had to be turned away in Wellington. I am looking forward to meeting Richard personally because I’ve been following his efforts since I first posted his video over two years ago. I’ll let you know how it goes, whether I blog about it or not. 🙂

    2. There were over a hundred people there in the main hall, from kids to granddads, including a few Japanese architects and engineers. The first hour and a half was an anti-war presentation by Yumi Kikuchi and then the AE911Truth presentation came after that. The content was solid, but I could sense Richard’s frustration at the time it took to interpret every sentence. There were two people interpreting and sure enough they had a hard job with so many technical and cultural explanations to squeeze into each sentence, all done in formal Japanese, of course. I’d say it took four times longer to convey the message in Japanese than the original English. The event ran more than an hour over its scheduled finish. One man who lost two cousins made a moving plea for help, and there were tears in the audience as people shared their stories.

      At the start, about 5 or 6 people believed the official story, over 40 were unsure and the rest already knew they were controlled demolitions. At the end, no-one believed the official story, 4 people were unsure, and everyone else knew they were controlled demolitions.

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