Rikuto Playing with his Pooh

Our three and a half month-old son, Rikuto, went for his BCG jab today and cried louder than he ever has. When he got home though, he found one of his favorite toys, the Pooh Carousel, recharged with new batteries. He went crazy trying to grasp the dangling Pooh, and had more luck off-camera, but you can still see how much Rikuto loves his flying Pooh. If you can’t see […]

Rikuto on His Belly

Maybe it’s just because I’m his dad, but Rikuto is getting more adorable each day. Take a look at these photos of him on his front. He used to cry after just a few seconds on his belly, but now he seems to enjoy it. After looking at the last picture I posted of Rikuto, my Net Buddy was saying how quickly Rikuto is growing. Very true. Time is flying and it it […]

Rikuto On His Front

At three months old, Rikuto’s neck is getting stronger and stronger. His head still wobbles occasionally, but now I can put him on my chest while I lay back on the sofa, and watch him move his head around like a tortoise. Since I’m just posting a photo, Rikuto would like to take this opportunity to say a big hello to his granny, grandad, and uncle Mark in the U.K. He hasn’t met […]

Rikuto Gets Vocal

Rikuto is still a long way off speaking yet, but that doesn’t stop him trying to communicate. In this video, he gets quite vocal on a number of important issues. I don’t know what he’s trying to say, but it’s fun imagining. Maybe he’s giving his thoughts on Japan’s new prime minister, or perhaps he’s surprised at the fall of the U.S dollar! At the end of the video, I’m […]

Rikuto – Is That My Hand?

The other day Rikuto turned 2-months old, and I posted about some of the things we can expect from him this month. One of those things is the realization that he has his own hands. With that in mind, and considering how these videos of the baby seem to be pretty popular with my family in England, here’s another one of little Ricky called “Is That My Hand?” If you […]

Baby in Progress – Meet Rikuto!

Friends, family, and first-time visitors. After blogging about my wife’s pregnancy for much of the last year, our son, Rikuto, was finally born at 9:25am on Sunday, July 22nd 2007, at the prefectural hospital, Gifuken Sougou Iryou Center. I rushed Mami to the maternity clinic at 5:30 in the morning, and it wasn’t long before the doctor realized that her unusually high blood pressure and still too-narrow “escape route” would […]

Baby in Progress – Rikuto at 34 weeks

I’m writing this post using Windows Speech Recognition so I don’t have to touch the keyboard to write what I want to say. Isn’t that great? Anyway, today I have a great photo of Rikuto from outside his mother’s tummy. Mami is now 34 weeks pregnant and looks it! Since she finished working at the hospital, she has been very busy working around the house. She’s been gardening, doing the […]