JapanSoc Tutorial – Making Friends Part 2

In the first part of this tutorial, I went through the steps you need to add friends and send messages in JapanSoc. In this part, I’m going to explain how you can track your friends’ activity. Step 1: Understanding the profile page From your friends list in your profile page, you can access any of your friends’ own profile pages. Since I’m so active on JapanSoc, I’ve used my own […]

JapanSoc Update – 100 Users and Upcoming Downtime

JapanSoc hits 100 users!  Edward Chmura put out a good word for JapanSoc on Japundit this week, helping to push the number of registered users over the 100 mark. Let me thank Ed, who is also responsible for the excellent Japan Talk podcast, and let me welcome any new JapanSoc users to my blog, the place where I post updates about the site (so please subscribe!). Web host problems continue… […]

JapanSoc Video Tutorial – Social Bookmarking Button

Over on the Daily J, our friend Tori is working hard to bring Japan’s community of bloggers together. As well as projects such as Nipponster and Japanopedia, he is regularly giving exposure to blogs and community-driven websites such as JapanSoc. To my surprise, he has started on a series of video tutorials for each of the tools on my JapanSoc Toolbox page, starting with a guide on how to install […]

See Spam on JapanSoc? Bury It!

Imagine you own a business. You need a website, so you hire a programmer to build one for you. You need content, so you hire someone to write articles for you. Now you have this great website, but you don’t have any visitors. The next step would be to hire an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) professional to get your site ranking higher in Google, Yahoo and co. One way to […]

New JapanSoc Banners and Buttons

For JapanSoc to be successful, it needs the support of the Japan blogging community. So, to assist my fellow bloggers in exposing new readers to the social bookmarking site, I’ve put together a selection of banners and buttons which you can add to your own blog or website. Phew! They were hard work to make, but I hope you find them useful. If you need any other sizes, just let […]

JapanSoc Web Widget

I really wanted to make some kind of gizmo to display the JapanSoc RSS feed anywhere online, and was thrilled to find a website that made this process extremely easy. So easy in fact, even Michael McKinlay has done it! Thanks to WidgetBox.com, anyone with an RSS feed can make a “Blidget” in just a few minutes, and that’s what I did for JapanSoc. What does it do and where […]

JapanSoc Poll – 3 Socs to Hit Front Page?

JapanSoc continues to grow. There have been 398 Japan-related articles submitted to the site since it started last November. On those articles, there have been 348 comments and 1159 votes. That means that each article has been soc’ed an average 2.9 times. Hitting the JapanSoc front page Currently, when an article is submitted to JapanSoc, it goes in the “Upcoming” queue. Two votes are needed for it to hit the […]

JapanSoc Toolbox

Welcome to the JapanSoc Toolbox, a page full of resources to help you get the most out of Japan’s fastest growing social bookmarking site for the foreign community. I’ve listed them in order of release, with new additions added as they become available. Please let me know if any of them are broken. The JapanSoc Bookmarklet – Submit while you surf The bookmarklet is added to either your browser’s bookmarks […]