Who Owns Japan’s Media?

The U.S media is often criticized for ignoring major news stories or covering them with obvious bias, and more people are becoming aware that this is because the media is owned by just five major corporations – General Electric, Time Warner, Viacom, The Walt Disney Co. and News Corporation. The media is an incredibly powerful tool for social control, so I’ve been wondering if a similar situation exists in Japan… […]

Japanese Government Discusses 9/11 Truth

For a while there, I distanced myself from discussing September 11th, 2001. If there was ever a controversial topic, it would be that of 9/11, a subject which touches a raw nerve with many Americans, provoking angry reactions that put me off pursuing the topic. Japan presented with “9/11 Mysteries” footage I previously told you that the popular video, 9/11 Mysteries, was shown in part to Japanese TV audiences on […]