For a while there, I distanced myself from discussing September 11th, 2001. If there was ever a controversial topic, it would be that of 9/11, a subject which touches a raw nerve with many Americans, provoking angry reactions that put me off pursuing the topic.
Japan presented with “9/11 Mysteries” footage
I previously told you that the popular video, 9/11 Mysteries, was shown in part to Japanese TV audiences on the show, Sekai Maru Mie, at 8pm on Monday, October 15th, 2007. While the reaction to the video wasn’t overwhelming, it was somewhat comforting to see the panel of celebrities take on board the information they were presented with, rather than dismissing it as a “conspiracy theory”. Never did I expect the questions raised in that video to come up in the Japanese Diet, asked before the Japanese Prime Minister and his cabinet.
Councilor Fujita questions 9/11 events – January 10th, 2008
This news seems to have escaped the mass media, and if not for YouTube, I never would have known it even took place. Fortunately, I can blog about it and post the videos in the hope of waking a few more people up to what really happened on 9/11.
At the National Diet of Japan on January 10, 2008, Councilor Yukihisa Fujita of Democratic Party of Japan questioned 9/11. This is a BIG NEWS yet Japanese MSM absolutely ignored it.
In Part 1, Councilor Fujita questions the “War on Terror” and if Japanese Government ever conducted an independent investigation.
In Part 2, Councilor Fujita examines the Pentagon.
In Part 3, Councilor Fujita examines the WTC Towers and Building 7.
If you can’t view these videos, follow the links to see them on YouTube:
- Councilor Fujita Questions 9/11 Part 1
- Councilor Fujita Questions 9/11 Part 2
- Councilor Fujita Questions 9/11 Part 3
*sigh* When have you ever seen a Japanese tarento variety show do anything other than lap up whatever cobblers that gets presented to them? They’ve gone wow over everything from that Fox fake moon landing shows to known fake UFO film presented as fact.
“Truthers” and creationists have a lot in common, selecting evidence or choosing the most convoluted explanation to make things fit their stories which must, must, must always be correct.
So you’re calling Councilor Fujita a creationist? And as for
That sounds like both the 9-11 Commission and FEMA! :sigh:
Why is Japan questioning this stuff now? This all happened several years ago. Although it’s not normal for the Japanese government to show any kind of stand against the US (or anyone else for that matter), discussing the matter will not change the current set of events that Fukuda has already laid out.
The Japanese government will continue to fund the Anti-Terror bill, as well as the US Government in it’s War on Terror effort. This law has already passed and will not be up for review until November. At that time, they’ll decide to extend it by one year, or cancel the mission 😕
While I can appreciate Japan’s ability to question what they’re told every now and then, I can’t help but think this is another example of “too little, too late”.
Quite the opposite, actually. As people have grown tired of the war in Iraq and the Bush administration, they have started to question the very thing that started the “War on Terror”. The 9/11 Truth movement has taken giant strides forward as more evidence, such as firefighter testimonies, is released. Scientific findings, and footage of Building 7’s collapse are still only found by people who go looking for it, and since these numbers are growing, the truth is coming out. All credit to the Japanese government for allowing this discussion to take place. I feel this is just the beginning.
“This law has already passed and will not be up for review until November.” “too little, too lateâ€
The law passed on January 11.
The argument took place on January 10.
That’s awesome Nick. I can’t believe that of all governments in the world, Japan is the first one to actually have an open mind and listen to all sides of the argument! Good work Japan!
Hey Nick –
I’ve got to admit, I’m kind of sad to discover that you’re a “truther.” I’m American, and it does bug me that people feel the need to look at 9/11 and find something other than the face value attack. You said, “While the reaction to the video wasn’t overwhelming, it was somewhat comforting to see the panel of celebrities take on board the information they were presented with, rather than dismissing it as a ‘conspiracy theory.'” That is quite discomforting to me. The people who believe that the United States Government had foreknowledge of the attacks must then believe that they coldly, willfully, and clandestinely allowed or encouraged those attacks to happen. I find that horrifyingly evil, like some bad film plot. I don’t believe that America is like that, though it seems the rest of earth does. Many of the people putting forward these notions like to paint President Bush as solely responsible for the tragedy. In my opinion, the rampant (and to a large degree unfounded / unwarranted) personal hatred of President Bush and the outrage over the length and state of the mess in Iraq that you mentioned are given an outlet in these kinds of anti-US Government “theories.” I won’t call you flat-out wrong, because I’m not closed in my thinking – but I sincerely hope that it turns out you’re 100% wrong. You know? Anyway. Back to business as usual.
Whether I’m right or wrong can only be answered if people are willing to examine the facts. What I find frightening is how reluctant people are to even listen to the questions “truthers” have raised, labeling them anti-American.
Councilor Fujita isn’t accusing the US government of involvement, he’s accusing the Japanese government of not carrying out their own investigation into an attack that killed more Japanese people than the Tokyo subway sarin gas attack (20 versus 12).
Why is it so wrong to demand answers? There should be public outcry that these questions haven’t been investigated.
I’m not against answers at all. I agree that investigation is totally warranted. And I have watched the shows, read the sites, and listened to the theories – not just discounting them out of hand, as you charge. What I dislike is that the “truthers” tend to go into it with a preconceived result (that controlled demolition – a stimulus other than a plane crash, occurred, for instance). And I concede that it is a very subjective thing – likely heightened by my raw American nerves, but I feel like it’s natural to assume that the sentiments are anti-US. I mean, it implies an awful lot, you’ve got to admit. The US Government, allowing its own citizens and those from loads of other countries to die in order to enter a military / ideological / political / financial conflict? Maybe I’m being hyper-defensive. Sorry if that’s the case. It’s not wrong to demand answers. I just think I see this as a case of a popular trend that lead to seeing things that weren’t there. I, personally, am satisfied by the explanation that 2 airplanes struck the towers and structural chaos ensued. A tragedy. Maybe I’m not sufficiently deeply suspicious of the government, so I don’t see the conspiracy. Anyway, like I said, it’s just my opinion. And you’re absolutely right – keep digging and the truth will be uncovered. At present we’re both just guessing. I still hope you’re wrong, though. Hope we can still be blog friends.
I was with you on the original post but in all honesty, some Japanese Councilor pointing out things like Tower 7 mean less than nothing to me.
Some of his compadres recently tried to write out the mass murders of Okinawans by the Imperial Army as “suicides”. Thankfully the Okinawan politicos freak out at this and demanded some respect for their “true” history. And the books are being re-re-written.
Don’t trust politicians no matter where they slithered out from.
MMM read all the comments and have to say that I’m very much in your corner Nick!!! I too strongly think that there are questions to be answered and while I find it extremely hard to believe the American Government had prior knowledge of the attacks, many things do not add up!!
I could be wrong but do not think Japan is the first to question or open debate on the proceedings of 9/11. As far as I’m aware, Belgium and some other European countries did have serious debate.
I do not like the label “truther” and just because a government tells not only it’s own people but the whole world, it’s account of what happened, does not make it necessarily true!!
Many extremely intelligent people have questioned the events of that sad day and the American government’s explanation does have some serious holes in it!! Is it not the American government that advocates Democracy and freedom of speech to the rest of the world!!
Caling people who don’t believe the explanations given “Truthers” is not right because as far as the government is concerned, it is our God given right to question our leaders!! They (Not just the American government but all governments) have been guilty of lying to their peoples at many different times!!
PS. Seriously look at how those buildings came down guys. Way too perfect and next to impossible for one building to come down so neat but three??????
I hope I’m wrong and I’m not bashing America here but I’m not content with the answers that were given!!!
Holy cow! The exclamations! 🙂 I agree with you, Keith, about the term “truthers,” at least. I put it in quotes, both because I think it’s a classic pejorative and a misnomer. (It brashly implies truth on the part of those who do the questioning, and is used derogatorily against those who question the official explanations for the 9/11 tragedy.) I wish there was a better word. Anybody got anything? I’d like to strike it from my vocabulary.
It’s normal for wars to be started for bogus reasons. It’s certainly the case for most past American wars. Perhaps a better question is: What kind of lies and spin got the US into the War on Terror? Maybe it’s just blowback from creating and supporting Al-Qaeda. Maybe it’s a rogue network within certain intelligence agencies (not necessarily all US). Maybe Pakistan’s ISI did it. Of course, legally speaking, the head of the ISI has to be vetted by the CIA, so that’s uncomfortable from a DC perspective.
In any case, my experience has been that a large percentage of those who have doubts about 911 actually love America, it’s just that they think the country has seriously lost its way. Of course, they may be mistaken in both the love of the old America and any possible involvement of US agencies in 911.
Willie – I’m not defending the start of the war, which I think most people would agree was started for the wrong reasons and poorly executed from the get-go. (I will defend the continuation of the war, however, since its origin is moot at this point, and I feel it would be madly irresponsible to pull our forces out of a place to which we brought so much havoc before it can stand on its own. But that’s neither here nor there.) You’re right in saying that many people who have doubts about 9/11 love America and merely see or fear that it has gone astray as a country. But in the same way that criticism of the continuing private investigations is slapped away by claiming that people say it is un-American or unpatriotic, I think that it’s not right to brand the still curious as patriotic for being dissidents. That’s a popular link these days, it seems, and equally off base. A doesn’t equal B, in the same way that A and B are not mutually exclusive. Anyway, I don’t feel that I’m wrong for loving “the old” America, and I hope I’m not wrong for believing that the government had nothing to do with the incident. Anyway, I feel that I’ve accidentally derailed the conversation from Japan. So allow me to nudge this boxcar back onto the track. I’ve only caught a handful of talent panel shows dealing with the United States, and frequently what I see is rehashed war for oil, evil capitalist, 9/11 controversy type stuff. I’m glad that I put little stock in those shows. They’re pretty inane even when they’re not discussing a hot topic. I’ll just continue to avoid them from here on out, I guess. There are plenty of documentaries about delicious exotic vegetables growing in remote corners of this country, anyway. (I’ll probably give those a miss too, though.)
Don’t get me started on the square watermelons, Deas! 😉
I agree with the whole of this post Deas except that there is no old U.S.A. other than pre 9/11 as far as I can see. I love my country but have serious doubts about my politicians (my father is a politician and I “saw behind the curtain”) If there is a conspiracy I think it is that, certain agencys were aware and did nothing.
Deas, about the only decent show at prime time that might fit your bill is Fridays 8pm on some channel or other. Bakusho Mondai’s Hikaru Ota “If I were Prime Minister”. He gathers a good panel of politicians, commentators, intelligent tarentos, and a couple of idiots to balance it all out, and they usually have a good old ding-dong about some topic or other. Last week they did US-Japan relations and how much Japan pays to support US bases, and issues surrounding that.
Don’t get me started on square watermelons either! They don’t even taste that good. (Neither do the yellow “cream” ones, by the way.) Silly stuff, but gimmicks…they sell. 🙂
I borked the quote!! My post was aimed at Deas as I agree with most everything he said.
I really think everyone who has made a comment here should be applauded because while it is a sensitive subject, it seems to me that all the comments are reasonably balanced and not too personal.
Maybe we all could start our own inquest.
Good stuff everyone and extremely pleasing when I compare to rant and raves I have seen on other sites! Deas, sorry about all the exclamations and I do get carried away with those little lines with dots at the end sometimes haa haa haa!
I only learned of the 9-11 matter surfacing in the Diet this evening. I am very pleased to see the right questions being asked, and doubly so that it appears a major Japanese political party thinks that providing water to the people of Afghanistan is more important than providing fuel to the United States military.
As a quality assurance professional, one of my strongest questions regards the NIST report on the collapse of the twin towers – the only engineering study ever conducted. Long story short, they failed to show that fire caused the collapse, and if anything, demonstrated that it did not. The details are hidden in the middle of a multi-thousand page report, and the executive summary at the start of the report directly contradicts the actual findings.
No engineering report has been made regarding the collapse of WTC building 7, and FEMA has stated that they do not know how or why the building fell. The nearly perfect free-fall collapse of building 7 – which destroyed the WTC maintenance records, access logs, personnel files, and security videos, plus the offices of the FBI and CIA in Manhattan – may be the most persuasive single piece of evidence indicating that something very different from what we have been told actually happened that day.
Before the end of that day, the Bush Administration, which swears (literally) that no one could have anticipated the attacks, ruled that Al Qaida was responsible. Condoleeza Rice stated later that the U.S. had concrete proof of this conclusion, and promised that it would be given to the public. This promise is long forgotten, and instead we are about to have Soviet style show trials based on evidence obtained under torture.
My advice to the people of Japan and the world in general is, press your government(s) for real answers. The hardest question of all is the least often asked: How do we justify addressing an international law enforcement problem, by waging wars that serve only to make law enforcement impossible while motivating armed responses against the United States and its allies?