8 Fabbertastic Facts About Nick Ramsay

In an effort to introduce himself to his fellow Japan bloggers, Chris G has written eight random facts about himself, including one about a dangerous Jurassic goose. Chris has tagged me to do the same, so here we go… 8 fabbertastic facts about me I am incredibly forgetful. I wake up at the sound of a pin dropping. My favorite PC game of all-time is the Sim City series. I […]

Nick Ramsay Google Battle Update

In October last year, I laid down the gauntlet and swore I would take the number one spot in Google’s search results for my own name. My opponent was none other than the politician, Nick Ramsay, who happens to be a fellow Brit, born in the same year as myself! Supported by internet powerhouses Wikipedia and the British Conservative Party, it was going to be tough… Rising to the top […]

NickRamsay.com is Unavailable

That’s right, NickRamsay.com is unavailable because I bought it! I have no idea why I didn’t register the domain name earlier, but this time I couldn’t let the opportunity pass me by. If you remember from my post Nick Ramsay vs Nick Ramsay, I’m trying to rank higher for my own name in Google’s search results than the other Nick Ramsay does. This is one step towards that goal. Right now, I’ve got the domain pointing […]

Nick Ramsay vs Nick Ramsay

I’m sure most of you have googled your own name on the internet, and I’m no different. It’s no surprise to find someone else with the same name as you considering the billions of people on the planet, but in my case, the other Nick Ramsay is also British, and the same age as me! I take pride in my computer skills, so it’s a bit disappointing not to see my […]

LongCountdown in the Spotlight

I must have done something worthy of attention because Mike from BlogsOnJapan.com pulled me aside for an interview. Mike is putting together a collection of interviews with bloggers in Japan, and LongCountdown.com made the list. Find out what my favorite place in Japan is, who my favorite celebrity is, and what I think of Japanese food by reading the Interview with Long Countdown.  On top of that, I was surprised to find myself the subject of […]

What’s my name?

In my post about choosing a name for our son, I said that one reason for giving him my wife’s family name, i.e. a Japanese name, is because it would be more convenient. In this post, I’m going to write about my experiences of having a non-Japanese name in Japan. Informally, my name Nick is pretty hard for Japanese people to pronounce. They tend to say Ni-koo, or nikku in […]